Sunday 17 March 2013

The Four Fountains Spa Review

The Four Fountain Spa
If you are looking for relaxation, personal care and an experience that reminds you of what is important in life, then go to The Four Fountains Spa. The Four Fountains Spa – India’s largest chain of affordable day spas. They’ve got spas over 17 locations in 10 different cities – Mumbai,Banglore, Pune, Aurangabad, Goa,Kolkata, Delhi, Bhopal, Manali and Gurgaon. You will find spa therapies for de-stressing, de-toxification, immunity and beauty for men and women. These therapies include over 20 body massages, body polishes, body wraps and facials.
I had always wanted to go to a good spa to get some relaxation as I get damn tired with my hectic schedule. I had been to various other spas but this one had given me a very soothing experience that I wanted to share with all of you. At Banglore itself they have got 3 spas – at Whitefield, Kormangala and at Jayanagar. I was privileged to go to the spa located at Jayanagar.
Price : 1700/- for Aromatherapy Massage
The Four Fountains Spa
My Experience :
The Four Fountains Spa connotes – The Fountain of Youth, The Fountain of Tranquility, The Fountain of Abundance and The Fountain of Joy. Well, the moment I reached there I was given a warm welcome by the staff over there. They were very pleasing and made me really comfortable before my session started. I was even offered iced – tea but I didn’t take it as I had juice, few moments ago. My appointment was already booked by Sakina (Digital Marketing Manager
The Four Fountains Spa). 
I was then enquired by Dr. Shruthi B.R. regarding my stress levels, health, sleep, and everything according to the questionnare she had with her. It took about 6 minutes. After that I was escorted by a sweet and smiling massuer to the room where the massage was going to take place.
The Treatment :
The whole environment was so calm and peaceful that i wanted to stay back forever!! The light aroma of lavender and lemon oil was surrounding the whole room. It energised my senses. I was then asked by the masseur to change my clothes and keep my belongings in a small cupboard with a lock in it. The massuer was very professional and even in her company I was feeling very comfortable. She then asked me to lie on the massage bed. After that she cleaned my feet with warm water.
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After that she started applying the oil which consisted a beautiful blend of french lavendar oil, lemon oil and spearmint. The very aroma charged up my senses. And then she started the massage, right from my neck and extended it till my back. She used moderate pressure (though I was asked beforehand as in what kind of pressure I preferred – whether moderate or high) to massage my body. It was an 1 hour therapy.
She massaged my neck, then back  and then the lower part of my body. Basically, the package consisted of massage from neck to toe. the massuer did so well that I was feeling relaxed after a long time. Next time I am planning to get a head massage with “Shirodhara package“ which uses an ayurvedic therapy consisting of pouring warm herbal oil on the forehead, specially on the ”third eye”, continuously and rhythemically allowing the oil to run through the scalp and into the hairs. it removes mental heat and eliminates any exhaustion that sets up in the nervous system.
The Results :
After the 1 hour massage I was asked to take the shower. After the shower when I returned back to the reception. I was being asked about my experience in that whole session and even a feedback form was given. I didn’t mind giving them 5/5 as everything was so good about The Four Fountains Spa. And then I was given aprescription booklet which consists of the Regime, diet, lifestyle and exercises I needed to follow in order to gain maximum benefits. I was even given a booklet named “Your Stress Guide to Stress-Free Living” – which consists of the knowledge about various treatments of the spa and various FAQs and finally a card offering me free 10mins head massage worth 200/-
Overall Experience :
Overall, it was a great experience over there. The ambience, the staff, the masseur and the most of all – the treatment was amazing. I would love to come here again. And would recommend everyone to come here atleast once and experience this wonderful experience!!!
Rating : 5/5
Disclaimer : This service was provided by the brand PR. However, that has not affected my review of the spa.

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