Sunday 17 March 2013

Nature’s Essence Lacto Bleach

Hello Everyone!!
Today I am going to review Nature’s Essence Lacto Bleach.
Price : 60/- for 40gm
Company Claims :
Milk proteins & honey enriched special skin bleach cream helps remove the epidermal skin tan, thereby restoring the natural fairness of the skin & also preventing pigmentation due to harmful sun. Its matte effect is ideal for hot climates and the cream also helps enhance after facial glow.
Apply a layer on the face/skin and keep it on for 10-15 minutes and after soft massage remove with cotton. Advised to be used everyday to restore natural color & glow of skin.
Key ingredients :
Milk, Honey & Lavender oil.
My Experience :
Nature’s Essence Lacto Bleach comes in a white colored plastic jar with a screw cap to open it. The bottle is quite sturdy and travel friendly. It is non-breakable, which is an advantage to it. On un-screwing the cap, you will find that it has got a thin plastic cap right on the mouth of the bottle, to avoid spilling and spreading of the product all around the cap.
The consistency of the cream is quite creamy. It is light yellow in color. It smells quite a lot like a talcum powder. You are directed to apply a layer on the desired area of skin on your body – face/neck/hands/legs, anywhere and then leave it on for 10-15 minutes. You can massage it gently for about 2 minutes and then rinse it off. On application, I observed that the first layer appears to be opaque white in color but then after few seconds, it becomes transparent. It absorbs faster so you can apply a layer on your hands. After 15 minutes, you can just sprinkle some water and massage it for 2 minutes and then wipe it off with cotton & rinse it off. I applied it twice a week for a month and observed that it works only if it is used immediately i.e. if you want to flaunt a non-tanned/ simply a fair skin you can apply it on your skin. It brightens your skin tone to considerable degree and when you stop using it, your face gets back to its usual tone in just 4 days of usage of this bleach. I also observed that it neither removed my tan completely nor gave fairer hands (which normally happens when I bleach my hands with other bleaches during special occasions) it was somewhere in between. Generally, when I bleach my hands, they do tend to stay fairer for a month or atleast for 21 days, but this Lacto Bleach lasts for only about 4 days after that it gets normal.
I really doubt the presence of natural ingredients in it as no herbal ingredients can impart an instantaneous fairer skin complexion after 15 minutes of application. And even if it will do, then the skin tone would remain fairer for a while. Also, the list of all the ingredients is not mentioned. Though it didn’t react on my skin but still it cannot be claimed as a Herbal Product. It may contain some chemicals in it which help in changing your skin tone after 15 minutes of application. This product removes only the epidermal tan of your skin and the deep tans just get lightened for few days. But the epidermal tans can be removed completely from your skin’s surface with regular usage i.e. twice a week till you get rid of your tan.
Overall, its an ok product not too good and not too bad. As at some point of time, we do bleach our face, hands, legs & various other parts of our body and at that time we are exposed to chemicals too. However, a very astounding fact about this product is that – it doesn’t change the color of your hair (facial hair or hair on hands and legs!!!) Isn’t it astounding??? Worth trying na??
Pros of the Product :
  1. It is quite cheap 60/- for 40gm.
  2. It doesn’t sting or burn.
  3. It doesn’t change the color of the hair where the bleach is applied.
  4. It gives an instant brightness in your skin tone which lasts for about 3-4 days.
  5. The packaging is quite sturdy and travel friendly – with a thin plastic film right on the mouth of the jar to avoid spilling and spreading of the product.
  6. It gets absorbed instantly.
Cons of the Product :
  1. It is not a complete herbal product – as no herbal product can lighten your skin tone within 15 minutes of application.
  2. The brightness in your skin lasts only for about 3-4 days.
  3. The real list of ingredients is not mentioned anywhere.
  4. Availability might be an issue as it is not available everywhere.
  5. It is not hygienic.
Final Verdict : Nature’s Essence Lacto Bleach is a bleach which is creamier by formula, which gets absorbed easily on the surface of your skin. It should be left on for 15 minutes on skin and you have to massage it for about 2 minutes and then rinse it off. You’d get a brighter and lighter skin tone right after you rinse it which clearly points out that it has got no herbal ingredients & instead got some chemicals which work on your skin. The brightness stays on well for 3-4 days. It doesn’t change the color of the hair present on the bleached area of the skin. It neither stings nor burns. Worth trying : I’d recommend this to all those beautiful ladies who want an instant glow & brightness in their skin tone without bearing the weird smell of bleaches and the burning sensation of it!!
Rating : 3/5

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